BMC Physical Training for Climbing 1 Workshop
This workshop is designed for climbers and coaches looking to expand their knowledge of physical training. While technique, tactics, and mental approach are crucial for improvement, this workshop focuses on creating performance adaptation through physical training.
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Building upon the FUNdamentals 1 stage of the LTPD model (Long-Term Participant Development), this course transitions to the “Learning to Train” stage. It provides coaches with essential information about the science and practical application of physical training.

The course consists of two parts:
Morning session: Covers the theory of energy systems, anatomy, and different types of climbing training.
Afternoon session: Involves practical wall-based sessions, offering coaches hands-on experience. Topics covered include body conditioning, strength, endurance, and power/strength endurance.
By the end of the workshop, you will be equipped to plan training sessions for your clients and groups, integrating the knowledge gained throughout the day.