Building Blocs Foundational Session Focus

Foundational Red, Blue & Grey Class

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Embark on a session tailored for those mastering the Red, Blue, and Grey Grades. This session focuses on essential hold types such as solid jugs, technical edges, subtle crimps, and nuanced slopers. Ideal for those looking to build a robust foundation and excel in this grade boundary.

Knowing how to see moves on the wall can save time and energy, having a plan before you set off isn’t always easy, but there’s plenty of tips and tricks we can offer you to help get the best start to the route possible

The Idea of falling off is scary, and more often than not the reality isn’t. This week we’ll look at how to fall safely, and comfortably, while having fun doing so. with your new found confidence pushing higher and harder should feel even easier

Sometimes we just can’t reach a hold, however early in our climbing career it can be intimidating to climb more dynamically and pop for the extra distances, alternatively we may not feel strong enough to stay balance and reach a hold, lets help you break down those blocks and get you crushing.

Rockovers, Step throughs, Laybacks and more, if these words make no sense to you in a climbing context join us and learn how to best maximise your body positions to get more sends 🙂