Building Blocs Intermediate Session Focus

Intermediate Orange & Yellow Class

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Different Holds require a different grip, getting this right can be the difference between a cheeky slip and an easy top, this week we’ll take a look at how you can best optimise your hold types to make your ascents as easy as possible. Slopers will soon be your friend..

Let’s take a look at what those pesky setters are trying to get you to do. whether it’s an “obvious” toe hook or forced dynamic moves, we’ll help you read routes and know what to do for an easy flash

If you’re not falling off you’re probably not trying hard enough, but we also don’t want to break ourselves, so lets learn to fall well, and take look at the psychology of success. one of the biggest things stopping us climb harder/better is our brain, look at Honnold zero fear= Big sends

Slick Drop Knees and Lock offs vs Cool coordination and Dynos, we all have our style, but sometimes this is determined by the route, so we’ve gotta practice them all. target those weak areas and help become a well-rounded climber

This may seem like a fundamental skill “below your pay grade” but more often than not, shifting your weight and leading with your hips can make moves feel way more comfortable and achievable.